Three Pricing Strategies That Grow Revenue

If you don’t already have one, you should consider creating a pricing policy. Without one, your profitability can become subject to inconsistent pricing, and you may even risk going out of business. A pricing policy helps you ensure that your company is making a profit, not just generating sales and revenue. A formal pricing policy helps you grow your business…

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Maybe It’s Not Your Advertising

You’ve done everything you can to improve your advertising and you’re still not getting the results you want. You’ve fine-tuned your audience targeting, A/B tested your messages, used great CTAs, and even offered discounted pricing. Your customer service is ranked well above average, and you deliver on what you promise. Well, maybe it’s not your advertising. Maybe it’s your product…

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How To Get Better Marketing Results

It's not uncommon for me to be asked by a client why their email marketing is not producing sales. And my response is always a question: How are you using it and what other marketing tactics are you using? I would not expect email marketing to produce sales if it's being used in the manner most companies are using email.…

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Marketing By The Numbers

Everyone knows how important it is to measure the results you are getting with anything you do in business. It’s all about numbers in business, right? This is especially true when it comes to marketing, but how you measure and what you do with that information are as important to your success as whether you measure. There are certain metrics…

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