Here’s How To Make Your Messaging Convert Better

You’ve heard about the importance of having a clear value proposition and compelling message for your marketing to work. And maybe you’ve tried several – or many – versions of these messages but seen little or no difference. Good news! I’m not going to repeat the same advice. I’m going to help it work better for you. Why have your…

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Easy Marketing Moves to Skyrocket Your Business

Sounds great, right? We're all looking for the best marketing moves to make. Only it's utter nonsense. More importantly, it's likely to cost you thousands, or even tens of thousands, more than bringing in someone who can address the actual issues for you. That's because those three (or fifteen) "easy marketing moves" are just suggestions that you've already heard, and…

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Disappointed By Your Marketing Tech ROI?

You’re Not Alone. Marketing Technology has come a long way in a relatively short period of time. As the technology became more affordable and accessible, more companies started using it. Now Marketing Technology is almost as ubiquitous as discussions of Google’s cookie-less search. As these apps are updated, artificial Intelligence is being added to them. With the addition of AI,…

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The Secret for Driving Growth and Scalability

I recently created a post on LinkedIn that identified the "secret sauce" for your business. Did you see it? If you follow me, you know I’m not one to talk about how your “secret sauce” or creating “massive value” are the ways to grow and scale your business. I think most people who say these things can’t even tell you…

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No “Conversion” Doesn’t Mean Many Things: A Look At KPIs and OKRs

I recently saw a LinkedIn post claiming that the term conversion can mean different things at different points in the sales cycle. It doesn’t. What the author meant was that conversion has steps that can be measured before the conversion. These are called Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). They are interim measurements that help you to stay on track and…

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What’s In a Name?

Shakespeare famously wrote: "A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet." That may have been true for roses, but it is not typically true for the titles people are using to attract your business. Names conjure characteristics of the person. Titles are the same on some levels. They may not describe the person who holds the title,…

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Brand Building or Lead Generation?

If you've been following my posts and reading my blogs, you know how often I talk about the ineffectiveness of focusing on Lead Generation. I’ve pointed out that a need for more leads is a symptom, not the underlying issue. And addressing the symptoms without fixing the issue is about as effective as putting a Band-Aid® on an amputated limb.…

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