Unlock Greater Success: Stop Focusing on Pain Points!

If you want greater success in business, you may want to consider where your focus is. Focusing on pain points could be affecting your bottom line negatively. You read that right. Your focus on addressing pain points may be costing you opportunities and income. Why? Because while your product or service might offer a solution for the pain your clients…

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Ten Benefits of Productization

Productization is the process of taking a skill or service that has been used internally and developing it into a standard, fully-tested, packaged, and marketed product. It results in a cohesive, repeatable offering or set of offerings that solve a business problem for your customers. The offerings can be created to accommodate a degree of customization to make them even…

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Marketing in a Time of Turbulence

Peter Drucker once said that “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” Drucker could not possibly have envisioned the turbulence we are experiencing today, yet his words are very applicable. If you have not started to strategically examine and realign your marketing, you might want to do so now.…

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Focusing on Lead Generation Reduces Your Revenue

Lead generation is killing your business. Yes, you read that right. It’s true. Here’s how, and what to do about it. Lead generation is a reactive process for finding prospective buyers, creating a relationship, and converting as many as possible to customers. It relies on knowing that someone already has a pain point that your offerings can solve. And that…

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Improve Your Marketing And Make More Money

Recent studies have shown that a focus on lead generation reduces the effectiveness of marketing efforts for all sizes of company, across all industries. That may seem counterintuitive, but it’s true. To generate closed and repeat business, it is essential to prioritize developing relationships and authentically representing the brand. A catchy or slick campaign, great lead magnet, or memorable elevator…

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Want To Increase Revenue? Productize!

Many smaller companies developed their offerings when the company first opened. But they don’t always revisit their products on a routine basis, and they are not necessarily as engaged in product improvement as they need to be. In the competitive markets we find ourselves in today, it’s important to keep pace with shifts in the market and changes that may…

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Can A Fractional CMO Help Your Business in 2023?

Every company is currently trying to find creative ways to do more with less due to inflation, which is driving up fixed costs and causing disruptions to cash flow. Cost-cutting actions are being recommended by most advisors and many companies are following that advice. One area that is frequently targeted for cost-cutting is marketing, but that can sometimes lead to…

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Using A CRM Can Improve Your Revenue

Are you using a Customer Relationship Management application (CRM) to enhance your sales and increase your revenue? CRMs are designed to automate the sales process, not just record it. If your CRM is not helping to refine your targeting, reduce manual effort, shorten your sales cycle, and increase your close rate, you might have the wrong CRM, or you may…

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How Much Business Are You Missing Out On?

It never ceases to amaze me how much potential revenue small businesses are leaving on the table without realizing it. Small business leaders are not unintelligent, but, as humans, we don’t know what we don’t know, and that has a big impact on the pace of growth of your business. It’s also a great reason to reach out to a…

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