Ten Steps for Improving Your Marketing Results

As a small business owner you’re probably always looking for ways to improve the results you get from your marketing. Many business owners don’t feel that they are getting enough leads or that the leads they are getting are not closing as often as they should. These can be among the first signs that a marketing tactic is not doing…

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Five Ways To Use AI In Your Marketing

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way businesses operate, and it has already become an essential part of the marketing industry. One specific form of AI that is gaining popularity in marketing is generative AI. Generative AI is a type of AI that creates new content by analyzing existing data. In marketing, this can be used to create customized content for…

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Eight Common Marketing Automation Mistakes to Avoid

Nothing is without challenges, and it seems that marketing automation was designed to prove that. Automation tools can give you a real advantage in direct competition when they are part of a model that results in optimized profit margins. But when they are used incorrectly, they can cause a drop in profitability. There are plenty of tools on the market,…

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Can A Fractional CMO Help Your Business in 2023?

Every company is currently trying to find creative ways to do more with less due to inflation, which is driving up fixed costs and causing disruptions to cash flow. Cost-cutting actions are being recommended by most advisors and many companies are following that advice. One area that is frequently targeted for cost-cutting is marketing, but that can sometimes lead to…

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Four Unique Tips for Success with B2B Marketing in 2023

Inflation makes it much more difficult for any business to succeed, but it can have worse consequences for small businesses than larger organizations. We are not sure how long inflation will continue. It is dropping, but the aggressive action of the Federal Reserve has not stopped it, and their action may bring on a recession. Even if that doesn’t happen,…

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ChatGPT Basics for Business Leaders

ChatGPT is an advanced conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) model developed by OpenAI. An AI model is a program or algorithm that utilizes a set of data that enables it to recognize certain patterns. ChatGPT is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model that was developed to recognize and respond to natural language with human-like text, based on the input you give…

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Data Will Change Marketing in 2023. Here’s How.

Marketing programs have relied on data for a long time. When was the first time you heard the phrase “data driven marketing?” A long time ago I’ll bet. Business success is built on data. Data collection, use, management, and protection are all changing rapidly. And those changes will cause impacts that ripple throughout your business, but especially on your marketing…

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