The Secret for Driving Growth and Scalability

I recently created a post on LinkedIn that identified the "secret sauce" for your business. Did you see it? If you follow me, you know I’m not one to talk about how your “secret sauce” or creating “massive value” are the ways to grow and scale your business. I think most people who say these things can’t even tell you…

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No “Conversion” Doesn’t Mean Many Things: A Look At KPIs and OKRs

I recently saw a LinkedIn post claiming that the term conversion can mean different things at different points in the sales cycle. It doesn’t. What the author meant was that conversion has steps that can be measured before the conversion. These are called Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). They are interim measurements that help you to stay on track and…

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What’s In a Name?

Shakespeare famously wrote: "A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet." That may have been true for roses, but it is not typically true for the titles people are using to attract your business. Names conjure characteristics of the person. Titles are the same on some levels. They may not describe the person who holds the title,…

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Brand Building or Lead Generation?

If you've been following my posts and reading my blogs, you know how often I talk about the ineffectiveness of focusing on Lead Generation. I’ve pointed out that a need for more leads is a symptom, not the underlying issue. And addressing the symptoms without fixing the issue is about as effective as putting a Band-Aid® on an amputated limb.…

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Leads, Bad Leads, and More Bad Leads

There are two types of leads in business: Leads that result in new closed business, and bad leads that do not. Bad leads cost businesses in the US over $115 billion dollars in 2023. Read that again. That’s a lot of money. Most companies are following an ineffective “lead generation strategy.” Looking for leads results in Are you tired of…

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Why Trust is More Crucial Than Ever in 2024

Trust is a word that is being overused by many professionals these days. Maybe that's because it's a critical success factor for 2024. I don’t call myself a “Trusted Advisor” (connect with me on LinkedIn if you want to know my thoughts on that title). Trust is determined by the people who meet and know you. "Trusted Advisor" is, therefore,…

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Three Things That Can Improve Your Marketing in 2024

It’s the new year, and everybody is telling you how to improve something about your business in 2024. Marketing agencies are likely at the top of the list of organizations you’re hearing from, and you’ve undoubtedly seen dozens of improvement tips already. The tips you’re getting are probably not transformative. Well, not for your company anyway. And you may have…

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Unlocking Success: Why Your Business Needs More Than Just Tactics

In today's fast-paced business landscape, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of marketing tactics. Websites, SEO, digital ads, and social media campaigns—these are all crucial components, but they're just pieces of a much larger puzzle. Picture this: You're investing time and resources into various marketing actions, yet the desired outcomes seem to elude you. Ever wondered why?…

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