Social Media Marketing Not Working? This Might Be Why.

I have spoken to many business leaders who know the benefits of using Social Media in their marketing program. The best Social Media programs all share certain characteristics that are predictive of success. One is that the company either has an in-house team member with Social Media Marketing experience or has outsourced it to a company that specializes in Social…

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Marketing By The Numbers

Everyone knows how important it is to measure the results you are getting with anything you do in business. It’s all about numbers in business, right? This is especially true when it comes to marketing, but how you measure and what you do with that information are as important to your success as whether you measure. There are certain metrics…

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Do You Have A Marketing Strategy Or A Messaging Strategy?

There is a lot of confusion about what a marketing strategy really is. Business leaders hear the term used by so many professionals who have very different skill sets and offer very different products, so it is not surprising that this confusion exists. Hopefully this post will add some clarity for you. As the image at the top of this…

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Are You Using Video Marketing?

Do you have video in your marketing strategy? How many and what type videos are you using? When and where are you deploying your videos? If you aren’t using video as part of your marketing strategy, or you only have a single explainer video, you are likely missing out on the benefits of one of the most powerful tools available…

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Why You Shouldn’t Use A Single Channel Marketing Strategy

I recently had a conversation with someone who needed a follow-up marketing piece. He’d had several meetings with prospects and was looking for something to send to remind them of his presentation. My first suggestion was to send the prospects to his website, but when I suggested this he said he had decided to take down his website several years…

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Are You Building Brand Advocates?

Every business owner knows the marketing funnel. In theory, if you create a marketing program, it will lead people through the funnel, generate sales, and grow your business. In practice that’s not what always happens. You need a solid marketing strategy and have to be intentional with your activities to make that happen. Most business owners never planned to become…

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Beyond Newsletters: Making Your Email Marketing Work!

I get dozens of newsletter type emails every day. Some have great information and others…well, let’s just say I don’t contribute to their open rates any longer. Even among the ones that I do open, very few are actually doing all of the work they can do for the sender’s marketing program. The top three mistakes are common. Are you…

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Three Steps to Better Results from Your CRM

The Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) provides a critical link between sales, marketing, product development, and operations. When used properly, a CRM will help you understand your customers better, improve your offerings, close more sales and shorten the sales cycle. From a simple offline spreadsheet to a more sophisticated cloud-hosted app, almost everyone in business today is using some type…

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