How To Market Your Business Better

Marketer: Don't give your customers too many options. It's confusing. Also marketer: Here are a million ways to market your business. We marketers don’t always practice what we preach – mostly because there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to growing your business. So, we have developed – and continue to develop – more channels and methods to reach prospective customers…

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How Much Business Are You Missing Out On?

It never ceases to amaze me how much potential revenue small businesses are leaving on the table without realizing it. Small business leaders are not unintelligent, but, as humans, we don’t know what we don’t know, and that has a big impact on the pace of growth of your business. It’s also a great reason to reach out to a…

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Why You Need A Fractional CMO

As a small business owner, you have limited time, and you need as much of that time as possible to grow and improve your business. But you also have limited financial resources, which you need to use wisely, so hiring staff may not be possible. Many small business owners try to keep their expenses in check by taking a “Do…

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How Much Should You Budget For Marketing

The fight for the attention of prospects and buyers is very real. The quality of your interactions with each prospect needs to be spot-on, or they will be lured away by someone who is presenting the content they are looking for when they are looking for it. Omnichannel marketing is more powerful now than ever before, and that means you…

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What’s The Best Way To Get More Clients?

Everyone wants more clients. This blog doesn’t contain some mysterious “secret sauce” but it does contain practical advice for ensuring you meet the criteria for the number one thing that will make – or break – your sale. It is really not rocket science, but I’m also going to tell you how to increase the chances you will have to…

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What Content Generates The Best Engagement?

If you're like most business leaders, you spend a lot of time or money (or both) creating content for your marketing program. But are you getting results from that content? It's not uncommon for me to hear that content results are disappointing. For example, I routinely hear that email open rates are below twenty five percent (25%) and website bounce…

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What’s The Best Way To Market Your Business?

If you're like most business leaders, you have probably tried a wide variety of marketing activities. Some of them worked, others did not, and still others may have only worked for a while then stopped or lost their luster after a few months. If you’ve experienced that enough times you may be wondering what is the best way to market…

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