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AI Best Practices For Business Leaders

Chat GPT’s release has sped up the adoption of AI, and it seems like new tools, platforms, and apps incorporating it are coming out every day. There is a lot of conflicting advice about the use of AI circulating, and almost all of the advice is focused on implementation, not strategic planning or decision making.

For a B2B company, technology is one of the four main forces that drive marketing success. AI is being integrated in more business technology every day, and it is proving helpful for many companies. You may have concerns about using it, and I’d be happy to discuss your concerns or questions about AI with you. If that describes you, please feel free to schedule a meeting with me.

Here are some things B2B leaders may want to know or keep in mind about AI:

  • As with any technology, AI can really enhance your business growth if it’s used strategically.
  • All AI apps, including ChatGPT and BARD, draw from defined sets of data, but they do not think or understand like humans do. The technology is only as good as the prompts you write and the databases it draws from.
  • Many marketing agencies are jumping in and using it without any real understanding of either its power or potential problems.
  • Your business could be held accountable for any consumer disputes or claims related to its use.
  • There is a lot of advice being given by some who have limited understanding of the technology, and many of these same people are saying you need to use it now.
  • Some agencies are using it to generate content and images for their clients. This can potentially cause copyright infringement or other claims against your company even if you’re not aware that they are using AI.
  • As excited as marketers seem to be about Artificial Intelligence, consumers have begun to weigh in and they are not quite as enthusiastic.
  • Consumer concerns are specific, and most relate to how AI might change society, data security, or job security. And they believe that companies, not the government, should be accountable for the responsible use of AI.

Here are a few Best Practices when implementing and using Artificial Intelligence:

  • Keep in mind that, by design, AI continues to learn. It uses the prompts, and feedback on responses to enhance its ability to provide useful insights.
  • You may be giving away as much data as you are getting. You need to know when that is the case.
  • Create policies for the use of AI enabled technology that are designed to preserve your company’s best interests and make the data you share and collect as secure as possible.
  • While you’re at it, update your Privacy Policy to incorporate and cover its use.
  • Make sure anyone using it is well trained. This should extend to consultants, contractors, or other vendors you may hire.
  • If you outsource any of your marketing, make sure you know if they are using it.
  • If you are unsure, wait until you get more information to make your decision.
  • Don’t worry that you’re going to fall behind. Any distance you do lose can be regained.

I truly hope that these suggestions help make it easier for you to decide on how you will use artificial intelligence to increase your marketing success and grow your company. If you have any questions, feel free to email us and we’ll do our best to assist you.