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Using Landing Pages To Improve Your Leads

A website is one of the most significant investments you will make in your company’s marketing program. The cost of building one pretty much makes it a requirement that you have some type of lead generation on it, but how well is your lead generation strategy working? How many leads are you getting? In order to make the investment in your site pay off, the lead generation better be pretty good.

One way to improve the number of leads generated from your website is to use landing pages to bring your audience to the information they are looking for when they run a search. Many companies will bring a prospective customer from a general ad to their home page, but if there is no clear direction on the home page related to that ad, you are almost certain to lose the prospect without generating a lead let alone a sale.

This applies for E-Comm companies too. If your ad tells me you have the absolute best widgets in the world, but when I get to your website I am presented with general information about your company and it’s difficult to find the information about your widgets or what makes them the absolute best, I’m not likely to stick around long enough to fill out a form or look for a “buy now” button. Landing pages can help you solve the issue of prospects that abandon your site before finding what they were looking for.

Landing pages are just one way to improve lead generation from your website, though. Other options include chat bots, e-books or white papers, a free premium (or freemium) item which they can get for filling out a form, a sweepstakes entry or discount offer (again, after completing a form). Even a phone number link can be a game changer if you have a lot of mobile traffic to your website. The list can be endless if you’re creative enough, but creativity alone is not enough.

Which lead generation elements work best depends on a number of things, not the least of which is whether it provides something the visitor wants or needs. When you build a website, you need to develop a strategy for how you will use the site in your overall lead generation efforts, or whether you will use your site to generate leads at all. That means knowing as much as possible about your website traffic and visitors. Things like how much traffic you get and where it comes, from as well as several other demographic parameters about your website visitors, can make developing an effective strategy much easier.

There are many informative metrics available on your Google Analytics panel. You just have to know how to find them and how to interpret the data. Which metrics do I recommend? The ones that most directly relate to your website lead generation strategy. I apologize if that sounds evasive, but if there was a given set of metrics that worked in every case, I’d write a book and retire on the sales of that book.

I’ll do the next best thing: Schedule a complimentary marketing discussion with me.