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Here’s How To Make Your Messaging Convert Better

You’ve heard about the importance of having a clear value proposition and compelling message for your marketing to work. And maybe you’ve tried several – or many – versions of these messages but seen little or no difference. Good news! I’m not going to repeat the same advice. I’m going to help it work better for you.

Why have your efforts fallen short before, and why am I so sure this will help you? I’ve been providing marketing consulting and fractional CMO services for more than 20 years, and the messaging mistakes I see are consistent and common. Those recommendations were made with the best of intentions. They’re just not complete or accurate.

Here are ten steps for making your marketing messages work better and generate new business:

  1. Know your customers. I mean really get to know them; don’t just assume you do. What do they need to hear versus want to hear? When do they need to hear it? Track them through the buying journey and make sure you understand them.
  2. You may have a hammer, but that doesn’t mean your prospect is a nail. Serve each customer like they are your only customer, and like their business means the difference between your success and failure – because it does. Ask about their expectations – and then meet them!
  3. Personalize content for your customers. When I say “personalize” I mean that you need to stop sending one-size-fits-all messages, build flexibility into your offerings, and create personalized discounts, terms, and even financial arrangements.
  4. Create content across all platforms and for every stage in the buying journey. Engineer the entire buying experience to fit your customer (note there is no “s” on the end of that).
  5. Use Generative AI to create customer-specific content. This is what Generative AI is designed for – it was not designed to reduce your content creation costs. Use Predictive AI to determine similarities in customers and help you to group your offerings, but still be prepared to customize them by client.
  6. Follow customers and track the data you capture across all channels. This will help you continue to learn about them, even after you think you know them.
  7. Capture data as often as possible, and analyze the data you capture. You will need analytics skills available to you. If you don’t have them in-house, hire them or hire a consultant.
  8. Personalization is a holistic effort – strategy, mindset, process, talent, and tools. Include and integrate all of these in your marketing program.
  9. Listen to, and believe, your sales team’s insights about each of their clients. They know their customers best. Then empower your sales team to make client-specific offers or discounts.
  10. Invest in technology. You will need a Marketing Automation Platform at the least, and a Customer Data Platform when you outgrow that.

Personalization is easier when your company is smaller, and it’s a good habit to get into before you grow too large. But conversion rates were found to be 42% higher for companies that use personalization effectively than those that do not, so it’s worth the effort.

Would you like to discuss personalization strategies and how your company can implement them effectively – and without going into bankruptcy? Set up a complimentary call and let’s get started!