Should You Use Pricing Incentives To Grow?

Many companies offer lower, introductory pricing to grow their client base. But is this a good idea? That turns out to be a more difficult question than it may seem to be. What happens to your brand when you attract new customers by giving them a lower price as an incentive to sign-on? In marketing, we refer to this as…

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Planning For Success In 2025: A New Question To Consider

Will 2025 be a profitable year for your company? I know you want it to be, but will it? Unless you've been stranded in the desert (under a rock), you know we've just had an election here in the USA, and the outcome will shift the party in control. Expected economic policy changes will most likely impact your business -…

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Is Value-Based Pricing Right For Your Company?

Pricing products or services to grow your company and maximize profit is one of the most difficult aspects of operating a business. It’s also one of the most important factors in the overall success of your company. Value-based pricing is not always an appropriate strategy, but when it can be used it is a great option for optimizing growth. Is…

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The Five Key Functions Of A Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

In larger organizations, a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) plays a crucial role in helping the company scale and grow intelligently. The CMO is an executive level leader who contributes to the strategic planning and implementation of programs designed to help your company grow. Why does your company need a Chief Marketing Officer? Most smaller companies work with a marketing agency…

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Setting Your Pricing Strategy: Four Examples

When you set a pricing strategy, you should first consider what your objective is relative to the market. Are you using this product to break into a new market or segment? Are you first to market? Are you trying to grab market share from a competitor? Is this a novel product or service that has no competition? These are just…

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Enhancing Profitability: Choosing the Right Pricing Strategy for Your Mid-Size Company

As a senior leader at a mid-size company, you understand that one of the most critical decisions you'll make is how to price your products or services. Pricing isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavor; rather, it's a strategic choice that can significantly impact your company's profitability. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of pricing strategies. Not all strategies are suitable…

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Marketing in a Time of Turbulence

Peter Drucker once said that “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” Drucker could not possibly have envisioned the turbulence we are experiencing today, yet his words are very applicable. If you have not started to strategically examine and realign your marketing, you might want to do so now.…

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Three Pricing Strategies That Grow Revenue

If you don’t already have one, you should consider creating a pricing policy. Without one, your profitability can become subject to inconsistent pricing, and you may even risk going out of business. A pricing policy helps you ensure that your company is making a profit, not just generating sales and revenue. A formal pricing policy helps you grow your business…

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Maybe It’s Not Your Advertising

You’ve done everything you can to improve your advertising and you’re still not getting the results you want. You’ve fine-tuned your audience targeting, A/B tested your messages, used great CTAs, and even offered discounted pricing. Your customer service is ranked well above average, and you deliver on what you promise. Well, maybe it’s not your advertising. Maybe it’s your product…

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